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Buy a mattress four unique

Release Date: 2012/8/22 15:11:19 Total access[2848]Times

The mattress when the choose and buy, how do you pick out their own mattress?The following is my own single mattress some tips, there are four main points, the following up to share, I hope for your help:

First look: see what?See the mattress appearance is uniform thickness, four peripheral whether straight smooth, land surface is symmetry, it is mainly the artistic problems.

The second pressure: pressure what?Use your hands to pressure test mattress, hands should be medium soft feel, and have a certain resilience, ensure elastic.

Lie again: is lying up pressure test of the surface of the mattress, feel the filling is distributed evenly and in various parts of the bearing force is complete, go to sleeping position.

Final check: check whether there is identification, mattress factory quality assurance book and certificate, mattress surrounding edge is equipped with a zipper device, you can directly open the check inside the cushion material is clean without peculiar smell, this step is very main, may directly affect you later a security problem.

The more the mattress machinery, sponge machinery and other knowledge, please a lot of attention Hengye machinery: Official Site

News source: HengYeJiXie
